Team Leaders

Language: RU

March 1, 00:00 (UTC+4)

Event recording
Language: RU

Delegating and assigning tasks

Ulyana Morozova

Ulyana Morozova


A leader's role

Anton Vityazev

Anton Vityazev


Sprints considered harmful

Vitaly Sharovatov

Vitaly Sharovatov


Ulyana Morozova and Anton Vityazev from JettyCloud talked about delegation of tasks and the typology of leaders and teams. Vitaly Sharovatov from Qase shared his experience and spoke about the negative consequences of sprints. Meeting language: Russian.

Meetups by JettyCloud is an open platform that brings together technical experts in DevOps, QA, JS and Java and more. Once a month, we organize meetings to discuss interesting cases and topics with colleagues from different companies.

Delegating and assigning tasks

Ulyana delved into the issues of delegation: when to do it and why it is important. She told why managers so often want to do everything themselves and what problems can arise in this process. The presentation will be useful for both beginners and experienced managers who want to improve the efficiency of their work.

A leader's role

Anton explored different types of leaders and teams. Find out what roles leaders take on and what leadership skills are best suited for specific types of teams. The presentation will be useful for both team leaders and people applying for this role.

Sprints considered harmful

The practice of using sprints is as popular in product development as the practice of project management in public enterprises. However, few people think about the negative consequences of the practice of sprints. Vitaly analyzed the negative points and showed why thoughtlessly copying the practices of other companies or contexts leads to a loss of quality, time and interest.


  • Ulyana Morozova
    Ulyana Morozova


    Ulyana Morozova


    Started her career as a PHP-developer of a distance learning system. At the moment she has more than 10 years of experience in international IT companies. Started working on Scala and Angular technology stack in 2016. Now, she is a team leader at JettyCloud, which is developing its own test case management system.

  • Anton Vityazev
    Anton Vityazev


    Anton Vityazev


    Started his career as a web developer. Later Anton realized that the backend was still closer and completely retrained as a PHP developer backend. A few years later he switched to Node.js and Go development. For the last 2,5 years he has been the head of the engineering team at JettyCloud, developing the core for the messenger subsystem.

  • Vitaly Sharovatov
    Vitaly Sharovatov


    Vitaly Sharovatov


    Specializes in working with people: engineers, communities and companies. He started his career as a system administrator in 2001 managing networks and Active Directory. In 2004 he switched to web development, gained experience with Javascript, C# and php and started blogging on web development topics. Vitaly knows how to inspire people, build teams, and help companies achieve greater success.


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