QA Party

Language: RU

September 28, 00:00 (UTC+4)

Event recording
Language: RU

Pandora box of the requirements testing

Ivan Lobashev

Ivan Lobashev

Data Art

Data QA: what, who & why?

Natalia Yakhina

Natalia Yakhina


QA Party — a professional event with a dash of fun and play. We invite QA Engineers who are hungry for exchanging useful and applicable knowledge and exciting atmosphere of live events to join us.

Pandora box of the requirements testing (Ivan Lobashev, Data Art)

QAs are not sure that they have checked everything? The project timeline is disrupted due to a high number of improvements or inaccurate estimations? The QA team lacks a full understanding of the product's business logic? It's difficult to identify what can be affected by new functionality, and management rejects all suggestions to improve processes. All of these issues can be addressed through requirements testing! Ivan will open this Pandora's box and discuss the importance of requirements testing, requirements-related bugs, various approaches to requirements testing, the benefits of this event, and related topics. Whether you are currently facing these challenges in your project, tend to optimize tasks to be more efficient, or are interested in building, reviewing, or enhancing QA processes, this is a relevant topic for you.

Data QA: what, who & why? (Natalia Yakhina, Quantori)

Natalya's presentation aims to briefly describe the specifics of data quality: why data quality matters, what quality dimensions exist, how to assess the data quality and finely who are the engineers ensuring the high level of data quality.


  • Ivan Lobashev
    Ivan Lobashev

    Data Art

    Ivan Lobashev

    Data Art

    Student, senior QA, test lead, and QA consultant. Ensured quality in finance, travel, and healthcare practices. Worked in teams ranging from 1 to 11 QA, on projects from 5 people to 500. Tested everything from ETL to design components. And now I mostly work as emergency QA support on projects where processes/performance need urgent fixing as of yesterday.

  • Natalia Yakhina
    Natalia Yakhina


    Natalia Yakhina


    Natalia Yakhina is a QA Manager at Quantori, a company operating in the healthcare and life sciences sector, aiding organizations in making data-driven decisions. She leads the Quantori Data & ETL QA department and boasts 8 years of professional experience in the IT industry, specializing in quality assurance. Natalia holds a Master's degree in Informatics and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. She actively participates in professional communities on social networks. She also maintains a blog on testing: @qa_career