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Join our QA Meetup

31 January, 2025

On February 6th, JettyCloud and Garage IT invite you to a meetup for QA Engineers. Doors open at 19:00, the event starts at 19:30. Language — Russian. Let's get together to learn something new, enjoy some friendly networking, pizza, beer and games! Join us for free, but please register in advance — follow this link to do that!

The first part of the evening will take place at the office of JettyCloud. This is where our speakers, engineers from both companies, will share their useful tips on testing. We will also have some pizza with drinks and give out gifts for the best questions from the audience! After that we will move to the office of Garage IT for some friendly networking. 

We prepared two tech talks. Dmitry Iakin from JettyCloud will talk about recurring tasks, an inevitable part of any professional's working life. These tasks can be addressed more quickly and effectively by using proven templates and standardized approaches. Here’s a clear example from IT: the concept of design patterns in programming simplifies complex processes and helps create structured solutions. But have you ever wondered what patterns exist in testing? And do they even exist at all? In this talk, we’ll discuss testing patterns and how they impact your work.

Daniil Sholomov from Garage IT took part in remaking the QA competency matrix at Garage IT. During his talk you will learn what led to this decision and what kinds of problems emerged along the way of this initiative. Daniil will also share some results they got once the new matrix was all done. This tech talk will be useful for people who are looking for professional growth or participate in the performance review process. We will find out what a competency matrix is and how to develop one for your needs.

Join us and see you soon!

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